Apple fans were left slightly disappointed last month when the smartphone manufacturer announced three upgrades to its existing iPhone X – the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR. The base variant of iPhone XS was priced at Rs 99,900 while that of iPhone XS Max was priced at Rs 1,09,000. The more affordable phone of the lot – iPhone XR starts at Rs 76,900 – not exactly the price everyone can afford. However, for those who want to buy an iPhone, now is probably the best time.
Paytm Mall is offering what is possibly the best deal on the handset. As part of its Paytm Mall Maha Cashback sale, the iPhone X with 64GB internal storage which is priced at Rs 95,000 is selling at a flat discount of Rs 6,032 taking its value to Rs 89,350.
As part of the sale, the customers are being offered a cashback of flat Rs 22,000 by Paytm Mall using promocode MOBFESTIVE22K. This takes the effective price of the phone to just Rs 67,358.
According to the terms and conditions available on the website, the cashback will be credited to users’ Paytm wallets within 24 hours of the product being shipped.
iPhone X features and specifications
The smartphone comes with a curved, edge-to-edge 5.8-inch OLED display and sports a SuperRetina screen which has 2436 x 1125 resolution with 458 ppi. It was also the first ever Apple smartphone to sport FaceID, which replaces the TouchID found in iPhones (post iPhone 5S).
It comes with 12-megapixel wide-angle and telephoto cameras in the back. On the front, Apple iPhone X has 7-megapixel camera. The phone comes with a 1-year manufacturer warranty.
Source:- financialexpress